From: Viv Forbes [] Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2013 10:23 PM To: Jack Venrick Subject: Greening the Globe with Carbon Dioxide Greening the Globe with CO2 by Viv Forbes & Helpers Another Issue of "Carbon Sense" 22 October 2013. . Please pass on. Keywords: Pollution, London, Pittsburgh, Asian smog, carbon dioxide, plant fertiliser, climate correlations and causes, carbon tax, electoral veto, Climate Council, safety and risk. To view this newsletter in your browser, or if images are missing from this email, a pdf print-ready copy with all illustrations in place can be downloaded from: content/uploads/2013/10/greening-the-globe.pdf Carbon Dioxide is not Pollution The Carbon Sense Coalition has accused those waging a war on carbon dioxide of being “anti-green”. The Chairman of Carbon Sense, Mr Viv Forbes, said that carbon dioxide is the gas of life, feeding every green plant, producing food for every animal and in the process releasing oxygen, another gas of life, into the atmosphere. A recent report on measuring global vegetation growth notes that data from remote sensing devices show significant increase in annual vegetation growth during the last three decades. They also report that CO2 fertilization is more important than climate variation in determining the magnitude of the vegetation growth. “The CO2 fertilization effect of the carbon dioxide emitted to the atmosphere by mankind's burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, gas and oil, is beginning to assume its vaulted position of being a tremendous boon to the biosphere. . .” Source: Current levels of carbon dioxide are well below optimal levels for plants, so all true environmentalists should welcome any increase – all life would benefit if the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere was triple current levels. The biosphere always flourishes during the recurring but short warm eras on Earth. Ice ages are the times of extinctions. As oceans warm, carbon dioxide is expelled and water evaporates. Warmth, and more moisture and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere provide ideal growing conditions for the green world. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is replenished mainly from warming oceans but also from termites, volcanoes and exhaling animals, assisted by about a 3% contribution from burning carbon fuels. No rational person could define carbon dioxide as “pollution”. It is a harmless, non-toxic, colourless natural gas that is the essential food for all plants which then produce food and oxygen for all animals. Almost everything in coal was derived from plant material so burning it is no more dangerous than burning wood. Both will suffocate you if burnt in a confined space, but when dispersed in the vast atmosphere their emissions are beneficial plant fertilisers. Naturally we should minimise real pollution of land, atmosphere and oceans. Everything that man does could be seen to create some “pollution”. But very little pollution comes from modern coal-burning power stations. Modern power stations have extensive filtration equipment which ensures that the exhaust gases are harmless natural gases already present in the atmosphere – nitrogen, water vapour and carbon dioxide – all essential to sustaining life on Earth. The smogs of Asia are not caused by burning washed coal in modern power stations. They are caused by burning everything else, usually in dirty open fires. They burn cow dung, wood, cardboard, plastic, paper, recycled oil, tyres, dirty coal, kerosene - anything available that will cook food, provide warmth/light or deter mosquitoes. Forest fires in Indonesia, cremations in India and dust from the massive Gobi desert all add to Asian air pollution. As do old worn-out boilers, furnaces, engines and obsolete power stations which can spew unfiltered exhaust gases, ash, soot and unburnt fuel into the air. These are what cause real air pollution – carbon dioxide does not. Fifty years ago, the suffocating smogs of London and Pittsburgh were solved by: * bans on open fires and dirty furnaces, plus * clean coal-fired electricity, and * clean-burning piped coal gas. The same solution will banish most Asian smogs today. If you are still concerned about carbon dioxide and would like to read more: CSIRO says: Rising CO2 is turning the world's deserts GREEN: As carbon dioxide increases, the planet has become green: Rising carbon dioxide creates global greening: underway-6C10160381?franchiseSlug=sciencemain How carbon dioxide is greening the planet: l Warmer temperatures and increasing carbon dioxide is causing a greening of the globe: alBiosphere.pdf The Benefits of rising carbon dioxide. Numerous studies conducted on hundreds of different plant species testify to the very real and measurable growth enhancing, water saving, and stress alleviating advantages that elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations bestow upon Earth’s plants: ngCO2onGlobalFoodProduction.pdf The Asian Brown Cloud is Real Pollution: Pollution of city air is nothing new: Is Coal Dirty – some facts on coal combustion: How they clean up coal exhaust products: A modern smog in China, caused by a lack of wind, farmers burning agricultural trash, and central heaters using old dirty boilers some with high sulphur coal. Same as the London smogs, and can be cured the same way. See: northeast-china-closing-schools-and- roads/?nl=todaysheadlines&emc=edit_th_20131022&_r=0 Correlation, Causation or a Carbon Tax Con-Job? If two things vary in parallel, that is a positive correlation. But it does not prove that one causes the other. For example, wet roads always occur when it rains. But wet roads do not cause rain. Three things are required to prove that rain always causes wet roads. Firstly, no exceptions – roads must get wet every time it rains. They do. Secondly, the cause must always come before the effect. Rain always comes before wet roads (apart from snow, floods, burst water-mains etc). Thirdly, we need a credible explanation of the mechanism. We have it – rain is composed of falling drops of water, and the water wets the road. The three conditions are satisfied - therefore rain does cause wet roads. The theory becomes a law. Now, let’s look at the theory that carbon dioxide (CO2) controls global temperature. Firstly, there is no consistent correlation – CO2 has risen consistently for the last century but global temperatures rise and fall, and the trend has been flat for over a decade. This absence of consistent correlation proves that CO2 is not the prime controller of global temperature. Secondly, ice core data shows that temperature turning points occur long before reversals in atmospheric CO2 content. This evidence suggests that global temperature may control the CO2 carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere, rather than the reverse. And there is a proven mechanism to explain that - warming oceans expel CO2 and cooling oceans absorb it. Thirdly, although the mechanism of carbon dioxide warming exists, it is progressively less effective as CO2 levels rise. It is clear that CO2 fails all tests as the controller of global temperatures. Other factors such as solar cycles, clouds and oceans have much bigger impact. Thus the carbon dioxide theory of global warming is a carbon tax con-job. If you are interested to read a bit more on these subjects see: Carbon dioxide vs temperature since 1960: More graphs: No correlation between carbon dioxide and global temperature for the decade ending 2008: Ice core data shows that carbon dioxide does not control global temperatures: Ocean temperature controls atmospheric carbon dioxide, not the reverse: The effect of increasing carbon dioxide is logarithmic. More CO2 produces less warming: Carbon Tax gets two Vetoes Australians have elected the second Prime Minister who made a prominent election promise that: “There will be no carbon tax under my government”. The electorate supported this policy twice. With two vetoes, the desire of the people is surely obvious. Why are politicians still having a debate about whether to repeal this silly tax on the gas of life? Absolute Safety is a Terrible Risk - the Costs of Environmental Scaremongering Environmental exaggeration and scare campaigns are a danger to our health, happiness and prosperity and usually harm the environment. The media are rightfully sceptical to anything said by private corporations. But they believe without question everything served up by self-serving green entrepreneurs and corporations. Prepare to be shocked about fracking, green energy and nuclear power safety. See: The Last Word The Big Dollars are against us. In the last issue of Carbon Sense, we advised that our cartoonist had not been paid, and we appealed for funds. Admittedly it was in small print, but two weeks passed without a dollar. Then we received one subscription for $500. We paid a miserly $250 to our cartoonist and $374 to our internet mail server, leaving a deficit of at least $124 for the month. In the same period the sacked Climate Commissioner, Tim Flannery, set up a new Climate Council to carry on his climate scare campaign and raised $1,000,000. Then we hear that green councils are finding ways to soak ratepayers to support the discredited Climate Commissioner: council/story-fni0fiyv-1226734337554 Soon we will find that all sorts of State and Local government bodies, Universities and other Qangos will be paying subscriptions to fund Flannery’s never-ending climate alarmism, thus frustrating the desire of the government and the voters that this waste of tax funds must stop. Naturally national climate conferences will also be organised so that the Government Climate Industry can continue to have annual parties at our expense. We have a big job ahead. And the big dollars are against us. Viv Forbes “Carbon Sense” is an independent newsletter produced for the Carbon Sense Coalition, an Australian based organisation which opposes waste of resources, opposes pollution, and promotes the rational use of all energy resources including carbon energy. Literary, financial or other contributions to help our cause are welcomed. We get no government grants and unlike many of our opponents, we do not pose as a charity and in fact pay GST and income tax on our operations. We live on subscriptions alone. For more information visit our web site at If you would like to keep Carbon Sense operating, send subscriptions to Carbon Sense Pty Ltd, by post to the address below, or direct deposit to: Acct No: 553 077 331 BSB: 334-040 Please spread “Carbon Sense” around. Authorised by: Viv Forbes, Chairman, MS 23, Rosewood Qld 4340 Australia. Phone 0754 640 533 To Unsubscribe send a reply with “Unsubscribe” in the subject line. Is this you? 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